Because much of our merchandise is hand-made one-of-a-kind, intellectual or customized product, it is difficult to standardize a return or refund policy. However, we try to be reasonable and fair. We provide as much information as possible up-front, prior to project commitment or acceptance of payments. We strive to build and maintain a happy customer base. Therefore, if you have any issue with our products or services, we would like to hear from you right away.
Before you purchase: If there are any details you need to clarify before you make a desicion/commitment, there are multiple ways to contact us. Generally, within the course of doing business, we most likely have exchanged phone number, e-mails, texts, or messaging through social media. You are encourged to reconnect if you still have questions. We have multiple "Contact Us" pages linked to our pages, and in the footer of our website. We want you to be comfortable, satisfied, and have trust in us. We count on you to tell us if there is something we missed, or if we can provide alternate options to assure everything will go smoothly and as planned. Communication is very important to us.
After you purchase: Please e-mail us within 14 days of your purchase date, service provided, web technology difficulty, ordering process, or conversation (by phone, e-mail, text, messaging) to supply details regarding your problem, and what we might do to resolve the issue.
If you do not receive your product or service within the time promised, you must contact us within 5 days of the date you should have received your product or service. We can't know what happened on your end, unless you tell us..
General rules:
Published Books & CDs – Non-custom items only.
Contact us by email within 14 days of purchase for return/exchange instructions. A re-stocking fee may apply. If pre-packaged (produced in box or shrink- wrapped), packaging must remain intact. **If you purchased through a third party linked on our website, you must contact the thrid party for their return policy. (There are some collaborative projects advertised on our site because we participated in the collaboration that are managed by outside entities and are linked with those entities to manage fulfillment of orders.)
Jewelry & Apparel – Non-custom items only.
Contact us by email within 14 days of purchase for return/exchange instructions. A re-stocking fee may apply. *Unworn items only – if tagged by artist – tags must remain on the item. Maintain original packaging to include with return.
Other – Non-custom/non-intellectual items only.
Contact us by email within 14 days of purchase for return/exchange instructions. A re-stocking fee may apply. Original packaging must remain intact.
Broken or Damaged on Receipt or Received the Wrong Product in Error
Contact us by email within 5 days of receipt to explain your issue. If a replacement product is not available, a webstore credit from our webstore may be issued.
Intellectual Electronic Property – Music Downloads, Sheet Music Downloads, Custom Poetry, Custom Songs, Custom Art, Custom Photography, etc.
All orders are final. No Returns are accepted. No refunds are offered. However, if you have been unable to access your intellectual/electronic file, or for some reason the file is inaudible or unreadable, please Contact us by email within 5 days of purchase date (if instant download) or 5 days of delivery date (if delivery is based on production of a special custom-made product) for replacement file or technical solution to receive your product in acceptable form.
Custom Orders of Any Kind
All orders are final. No Returns are accepted. No refunds are offered. You are given chances during the ordering and creation of your product to provide input and direction towards your desired outcome. Each product is a unique creation and may have a different ordering/input process than another product. Each product may be created by one or more artists, musicians, etc. Therefore, editing and input processes may vary for each individual item. These processes will be explained when you order.
Generally services purchased will have policies conveyed through invoicing or contracts. The invoice/contract information will supersede policies stated here. Where not stated within the service agreement, these policies may be used for guidance.
Good customer service is important to us.
Contact PC Snyder Creative Enterprises LLC at any time by to offer comments, ask questions, or discuss a problem.
Most correspondence can be effectively completed by e-mail, though a physical mailing address will be provided on a limited basis when necessary.
Our Customer Service/Policy Email Inquiry:
Add one or more of the following to your subject line:
(like this: “PC Snyder Creative Enterprises LLC – Customer Service”)
- "General Question”
- "Order Question”
- "Order Problem”
- "Product Question”
- "Product Problem”
- "Other”
All e-mails must include your first & last name, City & State, one or more valid phone numbers including area code & best time to reach you.
Average response time is within 48 hours.
From time to time, we may ask customers to participate in anonymous surveys regarding services, products, and experience with PC Snyder Creative Enterprises LLC and its related dbas/brands.
(Last updated 10/29/2021)