Welcome to Crctp LOGO only websafe copyeative Talented People


We envision a world where artists of all types are appreciated, recognized, and valued as essential members of the community; their products & services looked upon as legitimate businesses and career paths; and where everyone can find, learn, and grow their creative spirits.





CTlPLogoOnly130329pcs  Hire Talent!  
Looking for someone to perform for a special occasion, write poetry or a custom song, speak at an event, paint a portrait?  Or - Do you want to share your availability as a creative provider?  

CTlPLogoOnly130329pcs  Be Creative!  
Formerly, we sponsored the Triangle Creative Professionals organization and Creative Talented People - Triangle (Meetup).  We love to network, collaborate, and supportively mentor other creatives across creative disciplines.  

CTlPLogoOnly130329pcs  Build Creative Community!  
Looking for organizations who support creative entrepreneurs, have volunteer opportunities?   Want a place or occasion to showcase your work?  Have an annual creative event?  Looking for creative participants?



2021 bottom circle button BLACK EVENTS

2021 bottom circle button BLACK MERCH

2021 book now in black orange bottom circle

2021 bottom circle button BLACK kudos

2021 bottom circle button BLACK MEDIA